Saturday, April 7, 2007

稽古 Keiko19年4月7日


虫の音・Mushinone 秋になるとコオロギがよく鳴きます。なんと秋らしい音でしょう。秋が深まっていくとともに、寂しく聞こえてきて、やがて消えていくのは、無常を感じさせるものです(参考:

The chirp of crickets can be heard all around with the arrival of autumn. And what a characteristically autumn sound it is! As the autumn grows deeper their chirp sounds all the more melancholic and eventually it disappears altogether, making us feel the transience of existence.


Sweet: chick


Sweet bean paste encased in sweet rice jelly and shaped to represent a chick.


Easter, not just for Christianity but also for other traditions coming before it is a celebration of life and rebirth. The chick at Easter symbolises new life.


Megumi practicing the bon-demae by candle light.








The Ueda Sōko School of Tea

The Ueda School is a school of tea that originated from the samurai class in the Momoyama period (1568-1598). The warlords of this period lived in a ruthless time where the fear of death was present in daily life. Accordingly, tea of the Momoyama period samurai class in particular is a style of tea that seeks quietude for the mind.

The Temae of the Ueda Sōko School

The temae of the Ueda School is often said to be dignified and beautiful. There are two reasons for this appearance. First, the actions of the temae comprise of straight lines that bear a no-waste, ‘fresh’ appearance (e.g. folding of the fukusa (fukusa sabaki) and handling of the ladle (hishaku)). Secondly, numerous actions are performed similar to the inside-to-out flow of the breath (e.g. cleaning the whisk (chasendōji), rotating the chawan and whisking the tea). The temae can be performed in harmony with the breath if one continues dedicated practice. Inside-to-out is the fundamental direction of actions so that one can more easily move at one with the breath.

These two aspects of no-waste, fresh-looking actions comprised of straight lines and the strength of actions performed in harmony with the inside-to-out flow of the breath contribute to the dignified and beautiful appearance of the temae of the Ueda school.

Utensils and the Body

An ideal of the Ueda School is for utensils and the body to come together in harmony. One therefore does not slouch or handle objects by moving just the arms. Instead, handling objects from the central axis of the body is of fundamental importance. Objects are handled with a composed and stable posture; at navel height, 3cm behind the tip of the knees and with the space of an egg open under the arms. Objects are held firmly with the thumb and middle finger and the index finger is added more lightly. Objects are not placed down just by moving one’s arms; the whole body is used when placing objects down. The eyes also focus on the utensil that is being used at that particular moment. Harmony is achieved when the utensil, body, arms and eyes all move together.

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