Monday, April 30, 2007

稽古 Keiko 19421


茜色 Akaneiroとは、染料植物アカネの根で染めた暗い赤色をさします。夕暮れ時の空の形容などに良く用いられます今の時期は特に夕方の空が美しい茜色に染まり、立ち止まって夕焼けを眺めることが多いでしょう。“Akane” refers to the dark red colour that results when roots of plants of the madder family are used for dyeing. It is also widely used figuratively to refer to the colour of the sky at dusk. Especially in this season the evening sky is tinged with this colour and one can stop and gaze at the beautiful spectacle.








先生「とんでもない!大抵、そうではない…….. 食べている時はいろいろと欲望をめぐらしておるし、寝る時は寝る時で、様々に計算をめぐらしておる」


(参考書:「マンガ 禅の思想」 蔡志忠・作画 和田武司・訳 野末陳平・監修 講談社)

Heijyōshin - Presence of mind

One day, a monk called upon his sensei.

Monk: “Sensei, how should I go about my efforts towards enlightenment?”

Sensei: “If you’re hungry, eat; if you’re tired, then sleep.”

Monk: “But doesn’t everybody do that?”

Sensei: “What are you saying!?! For most people, that’s not the case at all.

When people eat they are preoccupied with desire and when people sleep they still have this and that ticking over in their mind.”

For most people, it isn’t until they awake each day that they finally break free from the fetters of the day before. Therefore, it is important to take away those things that are apt to make one’s mind stale and go about living in line with one’s basic nature. ‘Heijyōhin’ refers to this way of living and therefore is the way towards enlightenment.

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