Monday, April 30, 2007

稽古 Keiko 19414日


照葉・Teriha草木の葉が紅葉して美しく照り輝くこと。Teriha refers to the beautiful, almost luminescent colours of autumn vegetation.

物を持つとき 堀内宗心






[1] ふせんさい [2] きょうがい [3] へんりん

参考文献: 堀内宗心、「おのれを磨く日々のけいこ」、世界文化社、2005

Handling Objects

“Reduce the tension of the index finger;

handle by concentrating one’s energy to the middle finger”

This is one of my father Fusennsai’s verses. He always stressed that when handling objects during the temae, one should always concentrate their feelings and energy into their thumb and middle finger. And not just during the temae, this focus on the thumb and middle finger should be present throughout all activities. Picking up something with the thumb and index finger amounts to pinching something. The index finger is also a symbol for our conceptual ability. By concentrating with our index finger, we operate with and therefore only “grasp” an object within the boundaries of our conceptual thought.

When holding an object with your thumb and middle finger however, there should be a feeling that the object has become one with the body and that the object and the body are connected in a single, greater essence. Also when holding an object, the way your body reacts to the object differs according to whether your index finger or middle finger is in contact with the object. You can experience this at practice. When one realises that there is a great mechanism of truth operating as one interacts with objects, one starts to catch a glimpse of Zen. There is also scientific evidence to support the significance place on the middle finger. The middle finger is joined via the central nervous system to the brain but the index finger is not.

There are times when the thumb, index and middle fingers (three digits) are used to handle objects; handling the lid of the kama for instance. There are also times, such as handling the lid of the chya-ire when only two fingers are used. In all these cases, one should always be sure to handle the object primarily with their thumb and middle finger and to reduce the tension of the index finger. It is the same for the chyawan, chyashyaku and futa-oki.

During the temae, sometimes people’s little fingers stray when handling utensils such as the chyasen, Fingers stray from being aligned together when a person focuses their energy in their index finger. If your spiritual wholeness is flowing through your middle finger, all fingers down to the little finger will naturally come into alignment. Removnig the tension from the index finger is one of the key teachings asserted from Chyosei-an and if one is conscious of removing the tension from the index finger in daily practice and at keiko, one will naturally come to handle objects in this way.

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