Monday, April 30, 2007

稽古 Keiko 19年4月28日



朝に白く光って見える露。Shiratsuyu refers to the glistening morning dew.



Sweet: 'Minori'
This sweet is made to look like a nut from a chestnut tree still inside the burr. The burr is made from bean paste mixed with ground chestnuts. This paste, called 'soboro', sits around two sweet, roasted chestnuts.





日本文化は型の文化とよく言われています。 繰り返し繰り返し訓練することによって直観力を高め、五感を鋭くし、心の有様を表現することを求めます。その繰り返しは茶の湯の場合、常に自分の心を日々入れ替え、即今只今の心境で人との出会い、季節の出会い、歳時等を取り入れていなければなりません。そういう師匠の姿に常日頃接すると、習う弟子も自然に毎回の稽古や茶会に興味を持ち茶の湯の楽しさ、深さを理解しながく稽古が続いていくと思います。


原文は季刊「和風」第95号に記載されています。 発行所:財団法人 上田流和風堂編集室

Learn Together


I trust all are devoting much energy into December’s Osamegama(1), Hatsugama(2) and the start of practice in the New Year and also into preparations for other tea events and individual daily practice.

Since turning 40, I have received guidance from senior monk Harada of Sōgen temple. Some time after starting my visits I mentioned to senior monk Harada “I am quick to become tense. I start to sweat, freeze up and this makes me think that I am not suited to giving instruction in the tea ceremony”. To this I vividly remember senior monk Harada replying “It is easier for a student to follow an instructor who they can see is themself exhorting daily effort and making gradual progress.”

At the beginning of Murata Shukō’s work ‘kokoro no bun’ he writes that for a person practicing the way of tea the worst thing is to be self-conceited and self-centred. Having conceit and being self-centred leads one to envy those skilled in the way of tea and look down upon beginners. This is particularly undesirable. One should associate with a skilled person, identify one’s own shortcomings and ask for guidance. In turn, one should also assist beginners with their training. In this way people contribute to development on the whole. (My interpretation of the general meaning of Shukō’s writing.) These words advocate the importance for both those skilled in the way of tea and beginners alike to learn together with a flexible mind.In Zen there is the idea of “learn together”. As Zen forms the basis of the tea ceremony, the tea ceremony shares this idea. A flexible mind is of the utmost importance for people to learn together. Fixed ideas such as ‘one is the instructor, and students are to remain students’ only stifles a flexible mind.

Japanese culture is often said to be a culture of fixed forms. Through training by repetition one strives to heightened intuitive ability, sharpen their five senses and uncover their most fundamental state of mind. For the way of tea this repetition implies that one makes a fresh start with each day and place emphasis on the here and now. It is from this frame of mind that people must relate to others, relate to the seasons and embrace the passing of time. Students in contact with an instructor with such a mind frame will naturally have an interest in each practice and tea ceremony events. They will also realise the enjoyment and grasp the depth of the way of tea, and long continue practice.

Many people now days are apprehensive that the decency and standards of Japanese society are crumbling. Be this as it may, it is my hope that both instructors (myself included) and students alike within all groups learning the Ueda School of Tea keep the spirit of “learn together” as their fundamental starting point.

1 The last formal tea ceremony of the year.

2 The first formal tea ceremony of the year.

稽古 Keiko 19421


茜色 Akaneiroとは、染料植物アカネの根で染めた暗い赤色をさします。夕暮れ時の空の形容などに良く用いられます今の時期は特に夕方の空が美しい茜色に染まり、立ち止まって夕焼けを眺めることが多いでしょう。“Akane” refers to the dark red colour that results when roots of plants of the madder family are used for dyeing. It is also widely used figuratively to refer to the colour of the sky at dusk. Especially in this season the evening sky is tinged with this colour and one can stop and gaze at the beautiful spectacle.








先生「とんでもない!大抵、そうではない…….. 食べている時はいろいろと欲望をめぐらしておるし、寝る時は寝る時で、様々に計算をめぐらしておる」


(参考書:「マンガ 禅の思想」 蔡志忠・作画 和田武司・訳 野末陳平・監修 講談社)

Heijyōshin - Presence of mind

One day, a monk called upon his sensei.

Monk: “Sensei, how should I go about my efforts towards enlightenment?”

Sensei: “If you’re hungry, eat; if you’re tired, then sleep.”

Monk: “But doesn’t everybody do that?”

Sensei: “What are you saying!?! For most people, that’s not the case at all.

When people eat they are preoccupied with desire and when people sleep they still have this and that ticking over in their mind.”

For most people, it isn’t until they awake each day that they finally break free from the fetters of the day before. Therefore, it is important to take away those things that are apt to make one’s mind stale and go about living in line with one’s basic nature. ‘Heijyōhin’ refers to this way of living and therefore is the way towards enlightenment.

稽古 Keiko 19414日


照葉・Teriha草木の葉が紅葉して美しく照り輝くこと。Teriha refers to the beautiful, almost luminescent colours of autumn vegetation.

物を持つとき 堀内宗心






[1] ふせんさい [2] きょうがい [3] へんりん

参考文献: 堀内宗心、「おのれを磨く日々のけいこ」、世界文化社、2005

Handling Objects

“Reduce the tension of the index finger;

handle by concentrating one’s energy to the middle finger”

This is one of my father Fusennsai’s verses. He always stressed that when handling objects during the temae, one should always concentrate their feelings and energy into their thumb and middle finger. And not just during the temae, this focus on the thumb and middle finger should be present throughout all activities. Picking up something with the thumb and index finger amounts to pinching something. The index finger is also a symbol for our conceptual ability. By concentrating with our index finger, we operate with and therefore only “grasp” an object within the boundaries of our conceptual thought.

When holding an object with your thumb and middle finger however, there should be a feeling that the object has become one with the body and that the object and the body are connected in a single, greater essence. Also when holding an object, the way your body reacts to the object differs according to whether your index finger or middle finger is in contact with the object. You can experience this at practice. When one realises that there is a great mechanism of truth operating as one interacts with objects, one starts to catch a glimpse of Zen. There is also scientific evidence to support the significance place on the middle finger. The middle finger is joined via the central nervous system to the brain but the index finger is not.

There are times when the thumb, index and middle fingers (three digits) are used to handle objects; handling the lid of the kama for instance. There are also times, such as handling the lid of the chya-ire when only two fingers are used. In all these cases, one should always be sure to handle the object primarily with their thumb and middle finger and to reduce the tension of the index finger. It is the same for the chyawan, chyashyaku and futa-oki.

During the temae, sometimes people’s little fingers stray when handling utensils such as the chyasen, Fingers stray from being aligned together when a person focuses their energy in their index finger. If your spiritual wholeness is flowing through your middle finger, all fingers down to the little finger will naturally come into alignment. Removnig the tension from the index finger is one of the key teachings asserted from Chyosei-an and if one is conscious of removing the tension from the index finger in daily practice and at keiko, one will naturally come to handle objects in this way.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

稽古 Keiko19年4月7日


虫の音・Mushinone 秋になるとコオロギがよく鳴きます。なんと秋らしい音でしょう。秋が深まっていくとともに、寂しく聞こえてきて、やがて消えていくのは、無常を感じさせるものです(参考:

The chirp of crickets can be heard all around with the arrival of autumn. And what a characteristically autumn sound it is! As the autumn grows deeper their chirp sounds all the more melancholic and eventually it disappears altogether, making us feel the transience of existence.


Sweet: chick


Sweet bean paste encased in sweet rice jelly and shaped to represent a chick.


Easter, not just for Christianity but also for other traditions coming before it is a celebration of life and rebirth. The chick at Easter symbolises new life.


Megumi practicing the bon-demae by candle light.








The Ueda Sōko School of Tea

The Ueda School is a school of tea that originated from the samurai class in the Momoyama period (1568-1598). The warlords of this period lived in a ruthless time where the fear of death was present in daily life. Accordingly, tea of the Momoyama period samurai class in particular is a style of tea that seeks quietude for the mind.

The Temae of the Ueda Sōko School

The temae of the Ueda School is often said to be dignified and beautiful. There are two reasons for this appearance. First, the actions of the temae comprise of straight lines that bear a no-waste, ‘fresh’ appearance (e.g. folding of the fukusa (fukusa sabaki) and handling of the ladle (hishaku)). Secondly, numerous actions are performed similar to the inside-to-out flow of the breath (e.g. cleaning the whisk (chasendōji), rotating the chawan and whisking the tea). The temae can be performed in harmony with the breath if one continues dedicated practice. Inside-to-out is the fundamental direction of actions so that one can more easily move at one with the breath.

These two aspects of no-waste, fresh-looking actions comprised of straight lines and the strength of actions performed in harmony with the inside-to-out flow of the breath contribute to the dignified and beautiful appearance of the temae of the Ueda school.

Utensils and the Body

An ideal of the Ueda School is for utensils and the body to come together in harmony. One therefore does not slouch or handle objects by moving just the arms. Instead, handling objects from the central axis of the body is of fundamental importance. Objects are handled with a composed and stable posture; at navel height, 3cm behind the tip of the knees and with the space of an egg open under the arms. Objects are held firmly with the thumb and middle finger and the index finger is added more lightly. Objects are not placed down just by moving one’s arms; the whole body is used when placing objects down. The eyes also focus on the utensil that is being used at that particular moment. Harmony is achieved when the utensil, body, arms and eyes all move together.