Wednesday, August 1, 2007

稽古 Keiko 19年5月12日


木枯らし kogarashi 木枯らしとは、日本において晩秋から初冬の間に吹く、風速8m/s以上の北寄り(北から西北西)の風のことです。ここからいよいよ木枯らしが吹いて、いっせいに木々が葉を落とします。木枯らしによって私たちの無常に対する意識が高まります。参考: /

’Kogarashi’ refers to the wind in Japan that blows in late autumn through to the start of winter. It blows down from the North at a wind velocity of 8 m/s or over. From hereon, we will experience winds like this in Melbourne, too. They are the cold, strong gusts that blow the last autumn leaves, still clinging to their branches, from their trees enhancing our sense of impermanence (mujyō).

茶席の禅語 Zen Poems used at Tea Gatherings


In the precious, long autumn nights, there is a special, appealing ambience to sitting deep in thought while partaking tea. Such times of bringing quiet and still to one’s mind are especially apt for searching for one’s true essence (something Zen places great importance on).


Sweet: Ukishima
This Japanese-style cake has an incredible aroma due largely to the macha contained in it. This steamed sweet has a layer of tsubu-an (whole bean sweet bean paste) with a scattering of chestnut pieces.

稽古 Keiko 19年5月5日


木の葉雨 Konohaame 木の葉が雨のように舞い散るということを木の葉雨といいます。今の時期、町を歩くと風に舞う木の葉が見られると思います。暑い日には日陰を作ってくれたり、緑を楽しませてくれ、また紅葉も華やかでした。役目を終えた木の葉は、風に運ばれ、大地にに帰って行くのです。素晴らしい自然に感謝の気持ちを忘れないでいたいものです。

‘Kinohaame’ refers to leaves that flutter in the wind before falling to the ground. Walking around town at this time of year, one can see such leaves dancing in the wind. On hot days, these leaves provided shade, we enjoyed their lush green and then in the autumn their brilliant colours. Having fulfilled their role, the leaves are carried by the wind back to the earth. How nice it would be to remember how appreciative of nature we are when we meet with scenes such as ‘kinohaame’.



Sweet: Dried Apricot Shigure
Light on sweetness, dried apricots are mixed in the white bean paste (shiro-an) dough of this sweet to create a pleasant aroma.